this is one of the most critical diseases that there is no standard treatment. stem cell replacement treatment is one option.
Parkinsons disease could lead to this. Multiple Systems Antropy has no tested and proved diagnosis yet but Stem Cell replacement is a method to try out which could give some result. the disease will disorder the body functions one after the other. It is good to attempt this as early as the disease is identified as there is no other tested approach at the moment. and the chances to cure wil be high if it is done at an early stage.
the disease will actually cause degenration of nerve cells. stem cell replacement is injecting stem cells to brain so that they can regenerate.
Continuous physiotherapy could help to some extent.
Stem Cell treatment in india is being offered by B G S Global Hospitals, Bangalore in India. CMC vellore has stem cell research division but not sure if they have started or not.
some hospitals in China are also offering this. Stem Cell replacement is being tried for other diseases like diabetis also.